With the same ardor with which the Holy Patriarchs
wanted to see the Messiah, desire to receive your God;
may this desire dominate all others.   
Bouasse Lebel
That which I do not see, I believe.
The God of Angels is become man
so that man can be nourished by 
The Bread of Angels.
St, Augustine
The Generous Vine
Now, my soul burns with desire to follow You, O, my God.
Letaille, Paris
The Vine of God's own Heart
desires and implores the Sun.
She expects everything
 FROM HIM... Nothing has meaning WITHOUT HIM...
She seeks HIM ONLY.
The work pleasing to God.

When you participate in the heavenly banquet
beseech for me the Heart of the divine Bridegroom
This is My Body
Support my strength to do good.
Bouasse Lebel 3350
Take and eat, this is my body.
Take and drink, this is my blood.
Adorable Mystery

Each day I invoke Him, and with paternal care
He nourishes me with gifts offered on His altar.
Ask the Lord, always ask, ask again! 
 The Lord loves a fill those who pray! 
Bouasse Lebel 1288